Autumn Online Course: Spirituality, Story & Imagination
Wednesdays: 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th November 2022 on ZOOM
‘Story is our only boat for sailing on the river of time’. (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Spirituality, as part of the search for meaning, helps us to make sense of our experience. Among its sources are song, story, symbol – which feed the imagination, inspire courage and hope. These sessions are an invitation to explore their capacity to surprise, or – as Seamus Heaney expressed it – ‘catch the heart off guard and blow it open.’
Cost for full Course: €50
Facilitated by Dr Brian Dooney
Dr Brian Dooney works with Age and Opportunity, the leading national development organisation improving the quality of life of older people. He develops and delivers programmes on Positive Ageing; Literature, Spirituality and the Arts; Building Resilience & Managing Transitions in mid to later life. Previously, he worked as a lecturer in English and Adult Education in All Hallows College/DCU (2004-2016)
For bookings please email